Saturday, August 1, 2009

Summer Shabbat

Rachel was snoozing last night when Drew came to pick her up at day care, and the ladies were kind enough to let him stay until she woke up. They told him to just close the door behind him when he left.

She still hadn't awakened when I arrived at 6:15. So Drew and I sat down in two rocking chairs and had just started a conversation when she began to stir. She looked discombobulated when she opened her eyes and saw only mommy and daddy, and kicked up a huge fuss when we tried to put her in the car seat. She also has a disconcerting habit of arching her back unexpectedly, scaring me that she will fall out of my arms that way and onto the floor.

But we got her home and fed her. Then I played with her while Drew grilled sirloin and made his fabulous mashed potatoes. We tried to coax her into trying them, but no go. However, she seemed to enjoy the challah, which Drew wants to include every Friday night. She liked the crusty part best.

I love saying the blessing over the candles, with one hand on Rachel's head. I need to dig up the special child's blessing for Shabbat. Or at least the one that mentions Rachel, Rivka, Sarah and Rebecca....

I got her down for the night while Drew cleaned up. I try to be the one to bathe her and rock her to sleep on Fridays, since that's my chance to sing her Shabbat songs. I hope she absorbs them and realizes what a beautiful tradition she has been born into!


  1. What a lovely Friday evening! Do you make your own challah?

  2. You know, I don't. I'm terrified of working with yeast, it seems unpredictable and impossibly difficult. I'll probably break down and learn someday, just like I'll learn how to can fruit and vegetables. Maybe Rachel & I will take it on as a family project.
