Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tummy Bug From Hell, Part 2

Remember the tummy bug that got us all last winter? Well, it resurfaced. Richard was sick on Friday, Lil got sick on Sunday, I got sick yesterday and last night Drew got sick as well. At daycare yesterday they told us that something was going around, making some of the kids throw up and others have massive diarrhea. Apparently Rachel had two diarrhea-filled diapers. A third, and they would have called me to take her home. I was worried that would happen again today, but so far she's fine. When I walked into her room and sang to her this morning, she gave me a big smile and handed me her pacifier. Then she picked up the reserve one I leave in her crib and handed that to me, too!

She's so cute sometimes, I just have to smile -- even after a bad night of getting up every three hours to run to the bathroom. But moms can't get sick. So I am soldiering on through the day, fighting a headache and awful stomach pains, really wanting to eat something but afraid that it will ruin my digestive system.

We ran a story this weekend on a woman who died, at 90, after raising 15 children. FIFTEEN! The story said that she was rewarded in later years when her kids took her on trips, cruises, etc., repaying her for all the hard work she did raising them. I think there was one bathroom in the whole house.

So I really have no right to complain -- about anything.

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