Saturday, July 18, 2009

Trip to the coast

We proudly showed Suzanne the Oregon Coast yesterday. She had trouble believing that the water was too cold to swim in -- I think that's because she was raised in Florida. We packed the diaper bag way too full but luckily had enough food and toys to keep Rachel busy while we ate lunch at the Cannon Beach Hotel. I grabbed a brochure listing room rates -- unfortunately it's a no-kids place. Which means we probably won't get back there for, oh, two decades. Maybe Drew & I can sneak in a weekend there if family or friends offer to watch Rachel for the weekend...

The weather was really nice -- 70 and very windy, a great respite from the awful heat here in the city. I spread a blanket out on the sand and tried to snooze, but Rachel kept snatching my sunglasses! Then she plopped down beside me, with her little stomach on the blanket, put her head right next to mine and gave me a big smile! I couldn't help but laugh. Drew and Suzanne kindly took her for a walk while I tried to nap. Apparently Rachel isn't any more a fan of the beach than she was in Hawaii (we took her to Oahu when she was 4 months, since my chorus was competing there in International. We took 9th!). Drew said as he lowered her feet onto the sand near the water, she got a horrified expression on her face: "You really want me to put my feet on this FILTH, Dad? Are you nuts??"

Her mood greatly improved when we put on her little coat, which cut the wind considerably. And she actually kept her floppy sunhat on -- for a while anyway. She wasn't impressed by the baby sunglasses I got for her, though. She keeps ripping them off as if to say, "No pictures! No pictures!"

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