Monday, July 13, 2009

Toy chests & baby gates

Drew and I got reminiscing last night about the toy chests we had as kids. I belive we had the same one -- blue, with a lid that opened on the top. (Dad later painted the toy chest white and it ended up Daniella's room when we got our own bedrooms in 6th and 4th grades). I told Drew I wished I had bought an intricately carved wooden chest from Africa and arranged to have it shipped home, to use as a coffee table until the kids came. He said that would have been a bad idea because kids really beat up on toy chests -- he certainly banged his up.

So, the upshot was, I went to Fred Meyer today and bought a 66 quart size plastic tub with a lid that snaps shut. When I got home, I swept up all of Rachel's living-room toys and crammed them inside. Then I put her toy xylophone on top. And boy, do I feel liberated! I feel as if I have my living-room back again! I just couldn't wait until Rachel was old enough for us to move her toys into her bedroom. Even though I'm a mom, I still can't stand clutter and tend to want to get rid of it as soon as possible, for my own peace of mind.

I also bought a baby gate. A friend of ours gave us one but it doesn't quite work right and we really need a secure gate for the top of the attic stairs, since we play a lot with Rachel up there and at the rate she crawls, she's fully capable of pitching head-first down the stairs. Ugh -- I don't even want to THINK of that possibility.

1 comment:

  1. I struggle with toy storage. I struggle with toys, actually. As they get older, the toys change -- there are so many little little pieces. Ugh. The only ones they ever really seem to play with consistently: Legos.
