Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Rachel's reading matter

Last night and tonight, while I was bustling around getting dinner on the table, I put Rachel in her high chair and plopped a Pottery Barn catalogue in front of her to keep her busy and cut down on the whining. I expected she'd wave it around the air, rip a couple of pages and then drop it on the floor.

Well. I looked over at her after a while and she was FLIPPING THROUGH THE CATALOGUE, LOOKING AT THE PICTURES AND TURNING THE PAGES. "You are an AMAZING baby!" I exclaimed. When she finished, she just looked up expectantly as if to say, "So, what's next, Mommy? Lord & Taylor? Saks?"

For dinner she had a Gardenburger, most of a jar of baby food, unsweetened applesauce, two cherries, two strawberries and a bunch of sweet puffy things called Graduates. I told mom today that Rachel eats a cup of yogurt for breakfast every morning. "That's all?" she asked. "Yeah, mom," I answered. "Her tummy is still little!"

I'm a bit worried she doesn't seem to like vegetables much and seems to favor red meat over chicken. I will talk to the pediatrician about this. We'll see him tomorrow for Rachel's 1-year checkup, which I'm told involves some nasty shots. So, at approximately 9:45 a.m. Pacific Time, I expect to be cowering in a corner while Drew and the baby nurse hold Rachel down as she screams in pain and betrayal as the shots are administered. I hope she forgives us quickly.

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