Saturday, June 13, 2009

Summer in the park

Rachel and I hung out most of yesterday at Wilshire Park, a great park with play equipment sized for kids Rachel's age and older. She was even able to "steer" a pretend car! And she loved the swings. She gets a huge grin on her face and starts giggling whenever she goes high in the air.

We had started the day by trying to go to "Book Babies," a book-reading activity at a library in Southeast Portland. But it was too crowded! It gives you an idea of how literate Portland parents are.

She had a rough time getting down for a nap yesterday. I finally wrapped her in a big blanket and held her in my arms. She fell asleep for 40 minutes, and so did I! Our glider is so relaxing, we plan to keep it long after she's grown.

Our friend Kim came over for dinner last night. Rachel screamed at the sight of her at first, but by the end of the evening was offering her Cheerios. She was quite restless at bedtime but, after a shriek or two, settled down.

Now I am at work and Rachel gets daddy all to herself today, after he was gone three days instead of the usual two. He couldn't wait to get home to see her.

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