Sunday, June 7, 2009

Rachel's social schedule

is already piling up. We got invited to a baby birthday party on June 27th for Macy, who turns 1. We met Macy and her parents Jennifer and Mike at a party back in April for another baby who turned 1. Jennifer and Mike were in the Peace Corps, and both are social workers. Very nice folks. We had a playdate today, and the girls had a fun time at the park. Macy was a little more active than Rachel, who was in an unexpectedly cuddly mood (we suspect she is slightly under the weather with a tummy bug that has dimmed her appetite).

But Rachel had a great time on the swings and fell asleep in the car for the five-minute ride home. Drew put her down for a nap at 4:30 and she slept until almost 7!

Then I burned the grilled chicken (yes, I know, I co-authored a book on barbecue). But we still managed to eat dinner and get Rachel down for the night by 9 p.m.

And now, having plowed through much of the clutter on the dining room table and feeling frustrated I didn't get more done (like balancing my checkbook, emailing friends, doing all the other zillion things I always seem to be behind on), I am going to sleep.

We are hoping The Little Girl doesn't wake us crying, like she did last night. She settled down soon enough, but it took me the longest time to get back to sleep. I think I will take my sister's advice and keep granola bars, or maybe applesauce, next to the bed because I always seem to get hungry when Rachel wakes us in the middle of the night.

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