Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Songs I can no longer sing

..because they make me cry:

--"Sunrise, Sunset"
--"Far from the home I love"
(both of the above are from the musical version of "Fiddler on the Roof")
--"Lullabye," by Billy Joel, which my chorus will sing for an upcoming performance for the Lutheran Women's Association, 3,500 strong, at a convention here in Portland.

I was singing "Lullabye" in chorus practice last night and I couldn't stop the tears, even though I've sung it over and over. Joel wrote the song when his daughter, Alexa, was a baby. There's a section in it that goes:

Goodnight, my angel
Now it's time to dream
And dream how wonderful your life will be
Someday your child may cry
And if you sing this lullabye
Then in your heart
There will always be a part of me

Every time I sing this song, it reminds me that someday Rachel will be grown up, with her own children and her own life. And I'm starting to cry right now thinking of it, that my little girl will one day be gone for good.


  1. You are my sunshine brought me to tears once I had children. I had to stop singing it a few years ago. Also the story "The Giving Tree" completely brought on the waterworks. I haven't read it in a few years. I should see if it still affects me the same way (It probably will).

  2. Btw Lisa, "Nature's" is Linda G.

  3. I figured. Yes, The Giving Tree is a tough one. I cried reading it BEFORE I had children.:)

  4. wow, I had never heard that Billy Joel song before. lovely.

    I can't sing "You Are My Sunshine" anymore because of a sad story I wrote once. too sad of a story to tell here.
