Monday, June 29, 2009

Little Miss Sunshine

Valentina, one of the daycare ladies, looked at me with adoration this morning while I was feeding Rachel.

"I love your litte girl," she sighed. "She never cries, not unless there's a reason."

"Oh, thank you!" I gushed. "We love her too."

We do, especially when she snuggles into mommy's soft spots (tummy, chest) or leans her head against me, and slaps me on the arm multiple times, like she did on Saturday when I got home from work. I think that was her way of telling me she missed me!

Drew's nickname for her is "wumpus gallumpus." I have no idea where that came from, but it sounds like a terrific name for an imaginary friend.

Mine is "lovely one." "Hello, lovely one!" I said cheerfully to her this morning. Drew really liked that.

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