Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year!

Spent the last day of 2014 in typical Lisa fashion: Drove to Rockville to interview someone for a magazine story. Dropped in to our favorite cupcake shop in Shirlington to get Drew, Rachel and me cupcakes for New Year's Eve. Got home in time to stick a pan of brownies in the oven for an impromptu office potluck -- all desserts. Gathered food for lunch and dinner, since I'm not anticipating the kinds of places I'd go for dinner tonight will be open. Jumped into the shower to get ready for work. Drove to the Metro station and caught a train in time to arrive at work by 3:35 p.m.

Drew took Rachel to a kids/adults Watch Night celebration in Falls Church, and he just sent me an adorable photo of her holding a caricature of herself done by an artist there. I had hoped to call her tonight, but I got caught up in editing stories and didn't get a chance. But the first thing I'll say to her tomorrow is, "Happy New Year, darling girl!" and give her a big hug and kiss. Because the best part of any year is having Rachel in it.

Now I am waiting for the work night to end; they tell us they'll be closing the paper early, which would give me about 25 more minutes to wait. Then when I get home, Drew and I will share cupcakes and, possibly, hard cider/beer/chocolate wine, and hope that 2015 is as fabulous as the best parts of 2014 were.

Happy New Year, everyone! Peace.

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