Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Responsible Rachel

Since I work nights, Drew has to catch me up on stuff that Rachel says and does after he picks her up from school and they have dinner and bedtime together. Here's what he told me today:

Rachel has decided, all on her own, to write a "chapter book." (Granted, each chapter is one page, but I was impressed that she came up with the idea by herself). She asked Drew how to spell "crystal," so I'm actually looking forward to reading it.

Also, Rachel (like Drew and I) seems to be allergic to pollen or trees or flowers or whatever the hell else it is out here that is making us sneezy and itchy. She left a "writer's workshop" at school yesterday to go to the clinic. Even though she was still feeling itchy, though, she left the clinic after a bit to go back to the workshop because "I had to go do my responsibilities."

Tell me this kid isn't ready for 1st grade!

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