Monday, June 9, 2014


One of the things I didn't even realize I was missing about the East Coast was FIREFLIES. My book co-author, Dan Huntley, wrote a wonderful column about them once, and I haven't seen them yet...until tonight.

"Firefly!" Rachel exclaimed as we were eating dinner outside. Sure enough, we saw a little one light up, a greenish dot that disappeared and kept reappearing. We kept watching for it to reappear, which it did a couple of times before flying into our neighbor's yard. There is a firefly festival near here that will occur on a Sunday night when I'm working (boo!) but I'm going to suggest to Drew that he take Rachel there. I think they'll have a lot of fun.

This evening, Rachel also noticed a bunny in our yard. The bunnies are everywhere -- I routinely encounter then on my walk to and from the Metro station in the way to and from work. Say what you will about the East Coast not being like Oregon, but I love the fact that my kid will grow up seeing fireflies and wild bunnies in the backyard.

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