Monday, June 9, 2014

Rachel the Social Secretary

Tonight as I stayed outside in the dark paying bills -- it was such a nice night, hot and mostly bug-free, and I could see with the porch light on -- Rachel came up to me, said, "I love you, Mommy," gave me a kiss on the lips and then asked if I was "free to meet me for lunch this week."

SURE, I answered. We chose a day (Wednesday, since I'm coming in at noon tomorrow to read to her class), and she proceeded to note it, it pen, in my datebook. She spelled everything right, too, except "luch" for "lunch." I was so proud of her!

Drew and I are also attending her kindergarten performance this Friday morning, so that's three times this week that I'll be at school -- one advantage to working nights. I wonder if I'll be able to see her as much when she starts camp after school ends June 20...

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