Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sunday morning with Rachel

First of all, she looks absolutely adorable in her Trek in the Park t-shirt, which comes down to her ankles and she insists on wearing as a nightshirt. Thank God she decided against wearing it belted, as a dress, today (Drew's suggestion). I think wearing it as nightshirt is as far as she needs to go.

This morning over breakfast Rachel insisted on telling me a dream she had last night, a dream she described as really scary:

"My dream was about a little girl who was walking through the forest and she was going to her house and it looked like our house and then a goblin peeked his head out of the roof. Actually I dreamed of Trek in the Park, and guess what the scariest part was? The aliens. The aliens was the scariest part of the dream and it was really scary. But then I thought of the furry things and then at the end I burst out laguhing and I even fell over on my picnic blanket."

(The furry things were balls of fur hurled onto the stage to foreshadow the last and final season of Trek in the Park next year. The episode they're doing is called, "The Trouble with Tribbles.")


"Daddy's smart," Rachel said today. "He's like Egbert, in the Caroline story. He lives in the university. Like you do, only a different university."


Rachel busied herself playing with a Leapfrog learning machine that teaches kids how to write letters (a gift from Tia Daniella, Jojo and Valerie) while I read the Sunday NY Times.

"You have a lot of time to read the newspaper, 'cause I'm busy learning how to write!" she said.

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