Saturday, August 25, 2012

Rachel scolds Daddy

This morning Drew and I were half asleep when all of a sudden we heard Rachel speak quite severely. We thought she was in her room, and she kept saying something like, "Daddy. You..." and we couldn't hear the rest.

Turns out she was in the kitchen giving Drew a stern talking-to because she thought her haircut appointment was at 9:30 instead of 11 and she was remonstrating him for not getting her there on time. When I explained to her that her appointment was at 11, not 9:30, she said, "you'll find this very funny" and proceed to tell me that she had said, "DADDY. You need to get up. If you don't take me to my haircut appointment you will be a very bad Daddy."

Needless to say, they made it to the appointment and she now has short, cute bangs.


"Let's pretend we're at camp," Rachel said before "Trek in the Park" started tonight. "You are the camp directors (meaning me and Drew), and I'm one of the kids. We're pretending we're going on a nature hike and it's dark and you can see the moon. So, you guys are the camp directors."

Moments later she added, "I can see owls! I can see a wishing star!"

I think she'll be ready for sleep-away camp sooner than we'll want her to go!


"That was the best show EVER!" she said at the end of "Trek in the Park." "That was a good idea, guys!"


Rachel was crowing about having a whole day of just Mommy and Rachel with NO BOYS allowed. That would be tomorrow, when Drew finishes his last blasted weekend shift for the whole year (we hope) and Monday. On Monday after school I've arranged to meet up with a friend of Rachel's from preschool, Devin, and Devin's mommy, Linda, and we'll go get pizza, then play in the Jamison Park fountain, and get Cool Moon ice cream from the ice cream shop across the street.

Drew looked slightly chagrined that he wouldn't be joining us and reminded us grumpily that he has to work tomorrow (so he can't come to the latest chavurah gathering, which is going on at a swim park in Lake Oswego) and Monday.

"Sometimes girls have to do things with no boys around," Rachel explained patiently. "This is one of those times."

"When do I get to have fun?" Drew asked.

"Twice a day," Rachel answered. No idea where she came up with THAT answer....

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