Friday, June 25, 2010

Sad, sweet moment

We were out for a walk last night. Our new nighttime routine is to take Rachel for a ride in Rachey car AFTER she helps us clear the table. Then we quickly wash up the dishes, get our shoes on and head outside.

Rachel had urged us to run: "Mommy run. Daddy run" and pointed us in the directions she wanted us to head. Then SHE started running away from us. She so looked so cute in her red pants with pink polka dots (too big, so Drew folded over the waist) and her yellow sweater that is also too big (Drew bought it at a consignment store with the idea that she will grow into it this fall and winter).

"There she goes, running off into the future," Drew remarked, as her back was turned to us and she did her funny run toward the end of the block.

"Yes," I sighed. "Eventually she'll run away from us."

"Yeah, but if we play our cards right, she'll come back," he said.

"I hope so," I said, near tears.

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