Monday, June 21, 2010

A disconcerting habit

Molly and the kids just left -- they stayed here Saturday and Sunday nights on their way out of Oregon, back to Minnesota, away from all the heartache that their time in Oregon has caused. I hate the thought that Molly will despise this state forever, but hopeful that our presence here was soothing. I actually was a little encouraged when she said, "oh, I don't want to go back to winter." Never thought that a North Dakota native would say that!!

Anyway, during their visit Rachel started calling me "Lisa" for no reason. Molly thinks it's because she and her kids call me Lisa, but I'm not sure. I was really taken aback the first two times, and then the third time I said sternly, "I'm MOMMY to you, Rachel." I'm hoping that takes effect.

Rachel also has begun repeating phrases that Drew and I say all the time: "come ON!" "Be right back!" etc. We looked at each other the other night and said, "she's really a little PERSON!" She plays little tricks on us (offering food then snatching it back at the last minute, which we have NEVER done with her), and making up chase games: "Mommy run. Daddy run." "Daddy run. Mommy run" that we are compelled to follow. And she was so sweet with Camilla, Molly's daughter, who Rachel calls, "Camaya." Both of them kissed each other constantly; Rachel loved playing with Camilla and her sister, Marigold, and when we said goodbye and I took Rachel to daycare, she screamed and sobbed for a good part of the drive.

I'm dreading her calling out for "Camaya" after we get home tonight and being quite distressed to find she's not around!

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