Friday, June 18, 2010

Bedtime blues

Rachel has begun testing us at bedtime, probably because it's so light out when we put her down to sleep (even though we have blackout curtains that we bought with this very thought in mind). She always asks for more songs, more rubber duckies, her blankie, etc. Then she cries loudly for about two minutes and falls asleep.

She says the most interesting things: Today her hair was bound up in a little ponytail (she finally has enough of it for there to actually BE a ponytail) and she pointed to it and called it "pony." Then she said, "Ruby pony!" "Oh," I said, "that means that RUBY has a ponytail, right?" (Ruby is one of her little friends from daycare). She's always happy when I can interpret what she said!

Also tonight she tried to put her sippy cup on my head and then said, "pretty cool." "WHERE did you learn to SAY that??" I asked. It's amazing what she picks up!

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