Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tot Shabbat

We were almost the only ones there today! It would have been great to have a private service and songs with just the Rabbi and Cantor, but two other families joined us and we had a lovely time. The service usually lasts about a half hour, and there's fruit and challah afterward. But not this time, since it's Passover -- Rachel was very disappointed to discover that matzo was her only choice!

One of the things they do with the kids is give them miniature stuffed Torahs and they walk around the room in a line, singing a song. Rachel had a little trouble keeping up, but she was fine after Mommy took her hand (Daddy was sick at home with a cold so I didn't make him join us). She really likes carrying the Torah, even if she does tend to hold it under her arm like a football.

As we were leaving, Rachel lingered a bit on the bima and, as I told the Rabbi, I suddenly had a vision of her reading her Torah portion during her bat mitzvah. "They grow up fast," he said, and I can hardly believe that in just 10 years, she'll be ready to be accepted formally into the covenant. After all, as Cantor Schiff said, "two years ago, she wasn't even HERE!"

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