Thursday, April 8, 2010

Play or books?

Last night was the night of BOOKS. After throwing a temper tantrum in the car driving home from daycare, Rachel was delightful at dinner, Drew told me. Then at 7:30, she decided she wanted to read BOOKS! So they read for a solid hour. Well, Rachel spent part of it looking at books by herself, then she let Drew read to her before going to sleep.

Tonight before I got home from the gym they PLAYED. The living room was a mess of toys, evidence that they had a great time together. Then at around 8:35 or so, when we were finishing up dinner (Rachel had already eaten most of hers and was in her booster seat companioably eating challah and cookies), she said, "BOOKS!" And she asked for DADDY, so I ended up cleaning up the kitchen and the toys while Drew read to her, bathed her and sang her to sleep.

It's good that they're spending so much time together because he's leaving for Washington D.C. on Sunday for a reporting trip that ends Friday. This means I will be a single mom all next week.

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