Sunday, April 4, 2010

A perfect day with Rachel Drury DeSilver after Tot Shabbat yesterday, we got into the back seat of my car and Rachel leaned against me to cuddle for a bit. I started singing all the Shabbat songs I know -- "Shabbat Shalom," "He nay ma tov uma nayim," and "Lo Yisa Goy," and afterward she lifted up her head and said, sleepily, "moe? peease..." and I started on a non-Shabbat song but she politely shook her head, gave me a little smile and snuggled into my arms again. Just when I thought she'd be totally asleep she said, "home!" and so I drove home.

She napped for two hours while Drew went grocery shopping and I got some writing done.

When she woke up the first thing she said was, "Books. Books. Books" (it's like a chant with her these days). We read a few books. I have the feeling she would have us read to her all afternoon if she could.

Then I started sorting her clothes, setting aside the ones she's too big for (can THAT be true??) and bringing down the hand-me-downs from the attic. I hope she likes her reduced choices. We are badly in need of shirts, so Drew is taking her shopping at Babies 'R Us today. She helped me sort a bit and then wandered away, bored. Drew took her upstairs to play and I went to the gym and the movie store to rent a movie.

While I was at the store, I called Drew and discussed what his preference was. He immediately put Rachel on the phone and she said, "hello, Mommy." I was bowled over. Then, Drew said, she KISSED THE PHONE! "Is there any doubt in your mind that this little girl loves you?" he said before hanging up.

When I got back, Drew and Rachel were in the living room. Rachel was so excited to see me; she toddled into the kitchen and said, "mama! mama!" She spontaneously gave me a kiss -- and then, of course, wanted to kiss Drew right away so Daddy wouldn't get jealous -- and then we adjourned to the living room and playtime. She has a bus that Linda and Doug gave us and it plays a little four-verse song. So, she pushed the button that makes the song go, took my hand and started dancing! And then she held out her hand to Drew to get him to join us! (This was after she had generously given him a strand of purple Mardi Gras beads I had gotten one time from New Orleans. She was wearing her own strand of green beads).

"THIS is a happenin' Saturday night," Drew exclaimed. "THIS is the party house. Right here."

Then it was time for bed. I started making a Passover cake for friends of ours who are coming to dinner tonight. Just as Drew was ready to get Rachel into the bath, she toddled into the kitchen. "Mommy!" she said. "Can you please give me a kiss, Rachel?" I asked. She did. "Can you please give me a hug?" She did. Then Drew scooped her up and they left.

I think about how I used to spend my Saturdays -- taking forever to eat breakfast, read the paper, do errands, exercise, decide at the last minute where Drew and I would eat dinner and what movie/play we wanted to see. It seems so empty compared to the life I have now.

1 comment:

  1. So cute Auntie Lisa! I love how you have such a strong bond with Rachel!
