Monday, May 4, 2009

Weekend in Eugene

We had a (mostly) wonderful time in Eugene this weekend with our friends Matt and Molly, and their kids Calvin, Camilla and Marigold who is a month younger than Rachel. Some highlights:

--Molly is Supermom. She has three active children, and yet she kept asking us if we wanted something to eat or drink -- tea? A bagel? PLUS her kids are extremely interactive and well-behaved, Molly also is a talented writer and a full-time journalist, and to all appearances does not take drugs to survive the daily onslaught. I don't know how she does it.

--Calvin and Camilla LOVED Rachel. Camilla pronounced her her favorite baby, superior even to Marigold (hard to believe, since Marigold is so placid and cute, and Rachel can be a real fusspot sometimes). Calvin said when he's 12 he can babysit Marigold and Rachel, both of whom will be 6. I thought that was a lovely sentiment. Camilla kept asking if she could hug Rachel. She calls her Princess Babyhead.

--Molly took us to the most beautiful park I've seen yet in Oregon -- Hendricks Park, which was blooming with rhododendrons this year. My camera was on the fritz or I would have taken pictures with Rachel next to the flowers. They were absolutely stunning!

--I said we had a mostly wonderful time, because Rachel woke up screaming in the middle of the night and Drew and I could not get her back to bed in the Pack-n-Play that Matt and Molly had set up in Camilla's room. We were terrified of waking up the whole household and exchanged some very harsh words before we hauled her onto the air mattress with us, hoping she'd go to sleep. That, of course, is when she decided she wanted to play. She kept babbling to herself and wanting to climb onto us and off the mattress. We just waited her out and she finally slept -- for about 4 hours.

--I teased Calvin when he would tell Rachel about being airborne. "Don't tell her she can fly," I said. "She'll believe you, and then she'll climb up onto the roof and try, and then she'll hurt herself." Calvin, of course, did not listen. At the garden I caught him leaning in to Rachel's stroller. "You can FLY," he whispered. Then he smiled slyly and ran off.

1 comment:

  1. oh, my gosh, lisa, you're too kind! most days I feel like the most inadequate wife, mother, reporter, friend, human. especially when I'm not sleeping through the night. I remember thinking how you great were with CalCam, you even taught calvin a bit about reading (the "tion" rule). also i swear i didn't hear rachel crying one bit in the night! thanks again for making the trip, i know how hard it is to travel with a baby. package on its way to you with CD of photos, uglydoll and my annual letter.
