Sunday, May 10, 2009

My first Mother's Day!

..I spent several hours of it sorting and packing up boxes of baby clothes: newborn, 0-3 months, 3-6 months. I couldn't help but think how lucky I am that Rachel is in my life now and I have the privilege of dealing with tiny shirts, onesies and dresses!

Drew kindly let me sleep late this morning. Then he made me a nice breakfast of bacon and a warmed-up ginger scone, tea and orange juice. He mowed the lawn and was so tired when he finished that he asked me if he could nap for a while. Sure, I said. His nap turned out to last 2 hours!

Meanwhile, I opened Daniella's beautiful gift -- a silver necklace with a circle spelling out "mother" in four languages. I was stunned at her thoughtfulness and may very well wear the necklace every day from now on. Then I put Rachel in her crib for a morning nap but alas it didn't last long -- 1/2 hour -- and so she played a while in the living room. I fed her winter squash and carrots for lunch and took her upstairs while I did the most depressing thing a recently pregnant woman can do -- tried on every item of clothing I have in the house. I now have boxes and boxes of maternity clothes, pre-pregnancy clothes (summer and winter), clothes that might someday fit me if I lose, oh, 40 pounds, clothes that are likely to never fit me again but I still can't bear to donate and will probably just give to a far thinner friend of mine, etc. etc. Good thing Rachel was keeping me company; when she's cheerful and well-rested, she's a great companion.

She got sleepy in Drew's arms later on, and when he put her in my lap she leaned against my chest and fell asleep. So I gently swaddled her and put her back in her crib, where she has been asleep for two hours.

In 40 minutes, I get to leave for a much-welcome manicure, pedicure and eyebrow wax. I feel slightly guilty that I haven't taken Rachel to the park because it's such a nice day out. After we grill burgers tonight, we plan to walk to the gelato place nine blocks away and get dessert. I guess that will be her exercise for the day.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like a nice first Mother's Day, Lisa. I'd love to see a photo of your beautiful new necklace! What an amazing gift.
