Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fun with vowels and consonants

Last night as I was giving Rachel her bottle, she ran through almost the entire alphabet: Ba. Da. Ga. Ma. Pa. And grinning at her ability to make new sounds!

This morning she woke up at 6:30 a.m. (after a rough night of trying to get her to sleep, she at least slept all the way through) and I could hear her babbling to herself in her crib: dadada gagaga...I finally went in after showering, putting on my makeup and taking a bite or two out of a scone and a sip of orange juice. My hair is so short these days that getting ready in the morning takes no more than a half-hour. I realized today that my expertise in taking five-minute showers in Africa (which is all I had because my shower was solar-powered) is coming in handy as a mom!

Rachel also is transitioning from blowing loud raspberries to making a softer, whirring sound with her lips and tongue. It sounds like the gentle hum of a motorboat on a clear, sunny day.

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