Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Spitup in the Wind (courtesy of Bob Dylan)

I've been meaning to share this with everyone since Drew and I made it up months ago. We were changing Rachel's diaper when she was, oh, four months old or so, and started a jam session out of sheer loopiness (and frustration with the volume of spitup and damp clothes we were forced to wear). So, here is "Spitup in the Wind," sung to the tune of Dylan's "Blowin' in the Wind":

How many times must the baby be bathed
Before she comes out clean?
Yes and how many times must the baby be fed
Before her poop turns green?
The answer my friend
Is spitup in the wind
The answer is spitup in the wind

How many binks must a baby suck
Before you can call her a girl?
Yes and how many socks must the baby kick off
Before her toes start to curl?
The answer my friend
Is spitup in the wind
The answer is spitup in the wind

How many diapers must the parents change
Before the baby is dry?
Yes and how many wipes must the parents use
Oh please, won't you answer my cry?
The answer my friend
Is spitup in the wind
The answer is spitup in the wind

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