Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Baby elbow?

My wrists are killing me these days and I've been racking my brain for the cause. I haven't been to yoga class in weeks, so I can't blame it on too many downward dog poses. Haven't lifted weights in a long time, either.

Then, yesterday, it hit me: It's from lifting Rachel -- out of her crib, off the playmat, out of her high chair. Not only do I not have upper body strength, I don't even have wrist strength.

I mentioned this to Drew last night and he said he's experiencing the same thing, but in his elbow. "It's like I have tennis elbow, but instead it's baby elbow," he explained.

"Is this because we're old?" I asked.
"Yes," he answered.

Great. Forget about running after her when she's a toddler; we'll be hobbling from Charley horse. And by the time she's ready for high school, we'll be too broken-down to care if she stays out late.

1 comment:

  1. for me, it's lower back pain that always comes from having a baby in the house. my back actually went out in 2004, when I was hauling around a toddler and a baby. I don't think it's from being old, though -- the doctor told me it was from improperly lifting the kids. I noticed my back improved a lot after the kids became more independent (no more leaning over awkwardly to buckle someone into their car seat or lifting someone out of their crib), although I still had flare-ups from time to time. Now that I have another baby in the house, though, my various aches and pains have returned.
