Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Baby crush

Rachel has her first admirer (boyfriend?). He's a little boy who usually leaves day care even later than I do because he's the son of one of the day-care ladies.

Suzanne, one of the infant minders, said the boy usually makes a beeline for Rachel and plays right next to her. They've been touching each others' faces.

Rachel continues to be very social, playing with the other babies and scooting all over the playmat. And, of course, laughing a lot. Her laugh is adorable, especially when I tickle her tummy.

I'd love to watch her at day care, unobserved, for a day or so. I bet I'd learn a lot.

1 comment:

  1. you and I are what camilla calls "mom reporters." I would also love to observe calvin at first-grade sometime, and camilla at preschool!
