Thursday, July 21, 2016

Outdoor Shabbat

Our new synagogue here does what our old synagogue in Portland used to do -- holds services outside. On June 10 they had a "Hot Shabbat" service with fajitas, adult beverages and drinks for the kids, a bounce house, and a service in a wooded part of the property. We went last year, but it rained as we were eating and so they moved the service to a part of the property that was covered by an awning.

This year, the weather cooperated. Rachel disappeared into the bounce house after we arrived, then ate only a tiny portion of chicken and then disappeared again. I started getting upset, anxious and angry and then decided I'd just have faith that we'd find each other. Sure enough, we did, and we set up our seats within reasonable distance of the service. Rachel went off to explore part of a creek with some other kids, but came back and sat next to me toward the end.

I took a few photos of her sitting next to me, her rapt, glowing face taking in everything around her. It was a lovely night, not too hot or buggy, and I thanked God that we were there, in the moment, enjoying the relaxing night.

Eventually Drew showed up and took Rachel off to play while I lingered. As it got dark the bugs came out, and we collected up the chairs and then chased Rachel near the bounce house. It really was a magical evening.

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