Tuesday, July 26, 2016

End-of-year report card

Here is what Rachel's teachers had to say:

--Ms. Burke: It was a pleasure watching Rachel learn and grow this year in second grade! She has shown great growth both academically and socially. She is very responsible and always eager to learn. Rachel is reading above grade level and successfully participated in literature circles. While I know she is a voracious reader, please continue to encourage her to read independently over the summer. Rachel demonstrated mastery of second grade math concepts and showed an improvement in her perseverance when given challenging material. She also learned the basics of multiplication as well as various strategies for solving multiplication problems. This is a skill that students are expected to master in third grade, so practicing her times tables up to 5's over the summer would be a great way to keep those skills fresh. Rachel had a great end to a wonderful year and I have no doubt that she will continue to thrive in third grade!

--Mr. Aubrey (phys. ed): Rachel worked well with her peers this quarter. She was creative and competitive during our Bean Bag Bocce unit. I look forward to watching her improvement next year.

--M. Mautawalli (art): Rachel is doing a wonderful job in art class expressing herself effectively. I really liked the tin can flower pot Rachel created in art class.

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