Friday, November 13, 2015

Doctor's appointment

Took Rachel in for a doctor's appointment on Monday, Nov. 2. The doc said she is "perfect" -- at 45.4 pounds, she's in the 18th weight percentile for her age group (6-10 years), and is 48 inches high, the 45th percentile in height for her age group. She has 20/20 vision.

When I told the doc about her reluctance to eat vegetables, she said I didn't need to "hide" them in milkshakes or smoothies (although I may try to do that next spring/summer), but she told Rachel that by the time of her next appointment, she needs to be eating at least two other kinds of veggies besides salad leaves (which I think is a perfectly reasonable request, but Rachel is not so sure).

The visit ended with a flu shot. Poor Rachel climbed in my lap and screamed and sobbed after the shot; I decided to get one, too, and thought it was going to be much worse than it actually was! Rachel quickly recovered, though, and by the time they gave her a token for her to get a little figurine in a machine they have there, she was fine. I took her in to school late (I had explained the reason to her teacher beforehand), and that was that.

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