Monday, August 31, 2015

A visit from an old friend

Jeannette McAllister, a friend I've had since about kindergarten, was in town this past week to drop her second-oldest daughter, Regan, off at George Washington University. Even in the midst of all the stuff she had to help her daughter with, Jeannette managed to squeeze in time for lunch with me, which was a big deal for both of us.

We managed to talk for more than 2 hours -- we essentially caught up after about 20 years of being apart and keeping in contact only through Facebook -- about everything: Kids, friends, parents, jobs, husbands, etc. It was one of those great afternoons that left me smiling as I went in to work. Her oldest daughter, Cassidy, is a junior at Northeastern and her youngest, Cameron, is in 5th grade. I told her we would definitely invite Regan over for dinner (and send her back to her dorm with yummy leftovers so she won't, you know, starve:)). So excited that we'll get to know her, since I'm eager to see how similar she is to one of my oldest friends!

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