Wednesday, June 24, 2015

All About Sparky

...we found this in one of Rachel's folders a few weeks ago and I've been dying to share it but haven't had time. Apparently Mrs. McAdam had the kids practice making books, with tables of contents, the story and illustrations. Rachel's was about a hamster named Sparky.

The Table of Contents:

1. All about Sparky
2. Diffrint Kinds of hamster fur.
3. How to keep a Hamser
4. My Diagram of a Hamster
5. Fun Facts!

The book opens with a picture of My dad and Me ("I can't wait to get a pet!") at the animal shelter. Below is the start of the story:

"Sparky Is an amassing pet! and he is pretty Easy to take care of. but there are some gross parts to. like for example: Its my Job to take out His poop. (Eeyou!) But still he is my pet and i love him. I got him from a anaml shelter.

How to Take care of a hamster
give It Food and Water.
Let it rest. and Make Shure Its cage I Lockt.
Let It Play

My Diagram of a hamster
Eyemussle, teeth, Feet, Eye, Eers, Body tail (in the proper places next to a drawing of an orange creature with blue and black eyes)

Fun Facts:
hamsters are Not socshible anaimls. unLike gunie Pigs.
hamsters Like to Spin on their Wheels. But how do thay Stay on?

Just writing this, I am chuckling. I hope you all have been entertained by Rachel's book.

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