Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Birthday lists and mud

On the way to school the other day, Rachel announced that she has started making a list of the birthday gifts she wants.

"What's on the list?" I asked.

Quick as a flash, she replied, "Cowgirl boots, a Nerf gun WITH BULLETS, and a gift card to Barnes and Noble." I don't quite know what to make of this.


We were close to the field outside of school that we use to take a shortcut into the building. Rachel wanted to cross it, but it was muddy and I had on the sneakers I was going to use for my fitness class later that morning, so I said no.

She said it was fun for her to walk through mud and puddles, and I said I would have done so except I was wearing the wrong shoes. (I wanted her to know I'm not fussy when it comes to that sort of thing.)

"I'll make any sacrifice to have fun," Rachel announced. "Except die. Because then I wouldn't have any fun."

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