Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A Rachel story

Told at dinner tonight. It's called "The Legendary Cookie." (The title was suggested today by Rachel's friend Simone, who apparently was eating chocolate-chip cookies at some point today.)

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sophie who loved to eat chocolate-chip cookies. Her parents were rich and lived in a mansion, so she had a really big backyard. So then one day, she was walking through her yard when she spied a bush of chocolate-chip cookies! Which she loved. Then when she was eating the cookies, Sophie saw a golden chocolate-chip cookie. "Oh, wow, I've read about this in a book," she said. But what she didn't know is that it had secret powers.

"And...?" I asked.

"That's Adventure 1," Rachel replied. "When I write it, you'll read it. There are 10 adventures in all."

Something tells me I'll be waiting a while for the denouement...

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