Monday, March 23, 2015

The things Drew and I say after Rachel goes to bed

Drew relayed a funny thing that Rachel did the other day after he gave her her twice-weekly bath: He had drained the tub, she was in her bedroom, and she had wrapped her bathrobe around her body. When she saw him she threw open her bathrobe and said, "Introducing...Queen Naked the Third!"

It was all he could do to keep from bursting out in laughter.

Speaking of bath time, Drew says I am missing a lot by not being home to give Rachel her bath.

"You haven't lived until you've heard Rachel act out 'Oklahoma!' with her bath animals," he said. These are things you never expect to hear from your husband when you're both in your 20s and childless.

Tonight Drew and I were talking about Rachel being a triple threat in high school: Funny, smart and pretty. "She's going to be quite a handful," I said. "The boys may be intimidated by her."

"I WANT them to be intimidated," he said. "I want her to decide who SHE'LL date. So that she'll tap one on the shoulder and say, 'You. YOU'RE the one who gets to go to prom with me.' And he'll be so grateful."

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