Sunday, January 4, 2015

Art camp

Rachel had a good time at art camp on Friday and brought home a few projects...but there was one sour note: Sidney bent back her finger while they were involved in some kind of fight over a plastic peanut that Rachel wanted from Sidney. Cash, the woman who runs the camp with her husband, Mr. Earl, said she had put ice on the finger and it was fine.

I told Rachel to go to the other end of the room (camp was in a church) and told Cash as much as I could about Sidney and her family situation without being too indiscreet. She was very thankful for the information and said that Sidney had had a terrible day -- it started out with Sidney bringing a kid's iPad called a Navi(?), which Rachel told me later had been a Christmas present, to camp even though electronic devices are forbidden. And, Cash said, it just got worse from there; Sidney kept whining and acting up because she didn't want to do any of the group activities. "Sidney hates Lola's Lab" (the name of the art camp), Rachel said on the way home. We've heard that the reason Sidney's mom enrolled her is because Rachel goes, so Nicole, Sidney's mom, thinks Sidney should go, too.

And this morning we discovered Rachel's coat was shaded pink, and it turns out that Sidney spread chalk dust all over Rachel at art camp, so now we have to wash the coat. No big deal, but it shows the difference in behavior between the two.

When Rachel and I got home, I heated up the pasta and sausage soup I'd made for dinner, and the last of the store-bought challahs in our freezer; next week I can start making my own challah again, yay! says my family. We had a lovely and peaceful Shabbat.


  1. I think Rachel should un-friend Sidney.

  2. well, so do I, but you know how strong-willed your granddaughter is...
