Sunday, October 12, 2014

The adventures of two guinea pigs (as I remember it a day later)

Once upon a time there were two guinea pigs named Courtney and Chrissie. Courtney was brown, and Chrissie was black with white stripes. They were owned by a very evil circus ringmaster, who always tried to get them to perform tricks. He'd shout "Stand on your hind legs!" "Talk!" "Say something!" and the guinea pigs could only look and him with their vacant eyes like they were saying, "Huh?" So, one day, the ringmaster said the circus was going broke and he could no longer afford to feed them anymore, and so when the circus left town he abandoned them.

A little girl named Carrie found them. She was an only child with older parents, and she had been wanting a pet for a while, and her parents said she could keep the guinea pigs. But Carrie was only 4, and she didn't know how to take care of the pigs. Plus, they were messy, and taking care of them was hard, and her parents said she needed to give the pigs away until she was old enough to take care of a pet on her own. (And, in fact, that happened -- she eventually got a cat, Sabrina, who lived for such a long time that she went to college with Carrie). So, Carrie took the guinea pigs around the neighborhood and asked who would take them in. Finally she arrived at the house of a piano teacher, Madame Souzatska. Madame Souzatska had lived in Russia and been very rich; she had a fine house, with a pool, and beautiful furnishings and gardens, and had been married to a Russian nobleman. But she was a great piano player and had given concerts, until her husband went off to fight in the war and disappeared, so she had to flee from her house and come to America, and the only thing she could do was play the piano, so she decided to support herself by being a piano teacher. She had never married again and never had children, so she was overjoyed when Carrie brought over the guinea pigs and said, in a heavy Russian accent, "Ach! Yes, I will be glad to take care of these guinea pigs, they are so much nicer than hamsters, that bite, yes! Yes!" And so she placed Courtney and Chrissie in the corner of the room where she gave piano lessons, and the pigs stayed there for many years.

Eventually Madame Souzatska got too old to give lessons and realized she had to find a good home for the guinea pigs, so she turned to an adult pupil of hers named Simon, who was a scientist but took piano lessons on the side. He agreed to take them. One day, he heard Chrissie try to speak. "Hello!" she squeaked. "How do you know how to talk?!" he exclaimed. "Magic!" she squeaked, and then explained that she and Courtney had lived in another world, and that there was fighting going on, and the leader of their world had turned them from girls into guinea pigs because he wanted to protect them and were afraid that if they told anyone where they were from, they'd give away the secret of the different world they lived in. So that's how they got to be acquired by the evil ringmaster. Simon asked if they wanted to be turned back into little girls again, and they said no.

So, they lived with Simon for many years. One day, two little girls knocked on his door, asking him if he wanted to buy cookies. He said no, but he let them inside and they oohed and ahhed over the pigs. They were with their mom, and when their mom saw the pigs, she recognized them. It was Carrie! She was all grown up and a mom herself...and so the pigs came full circle from their time with the evil ringmaster, to Carrie, to Madame Souzatska, to Simon and back to Carrie.

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