Sunday, October 5, 2014

Rosh Hashanah (cont'd), on Saturday, we got up and took the train to Penn Station and then to Mt. Kisco (Tia Daniella had thoughtfully taken care of all of the tickets). On the train to the station, we were treated to a bunch of musicians, accordion, cello, etc. singing and playing for tips (another reason why I love New York), and then I slept a bit on the train to Mt. K while Daniella told the girls a story.

When we arrived, we had lunch and then said a quick goodbye to Patricia, who was heading back unexpectedly to Israel. Then we went to the indoor pool and Grandma and Grandpa's, and I showed my amazing parenting skills by trying to force my daughter to dunk herself completely underwater (she has yet to put her whole face in), and getting more and more frustrated with her by the minute, and making her cry. No Mother of the Year award for me, I'm afraid. Finally I just gave up, and Grandpa took me aside and made a very good point -- that I shouldn't try to teach Rachel to swim; that she wouldn't dare cry and fuss in front of her teacher, whereas she does so with me because I'm her mommy. So, from now on, I'll let 20-year-old Taylor, a student at Marymount University, try to make some progress. I confess I am getting tired of waiting for Rachel to get it together and SWIM, ALREADY, but I need to have patience. So, Dad, I will try.

That night I took everyone out to dinner for Dad's belated 80th birthday celebration -- Rachel gave him a gigantic card decorated with stars and hearts and such -- and then it was time to go home and go to bed.

The next day we said goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa and got on the train to go home. Rachel and I spent the time drawing Hershey Park as we think it should be designed (with chocolate kisses-shaped play structures and a big welcome banner; you should really see what we did with the place). We dragged all our suitcases onto the Metro, took a cab home from East Falls Church, then went to Lebanese Taverna (and ate outside, yay!), Toby's for ice cream, and got home just in time for Drew to come home and give Rachel a huge hug and kiss just after I'd put her to bed. "How was the trip?" he asked her. Buried in his chest she answered, "the best part is right now," and I am so glad that the next couple of trips we'll take will be as a family.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, Lisa. One day she will just start swimming like a fish, and then you'll never get her out of the pool!
