Thursday, August 28, 2014

Rachel the playwright

So, last Shabbat, Rachel announced that she was going to put on a play using props. Turns out it was the same one she did months ago that I wrote about on the blog, about a camel and a zebra traveling in Africa together, and they meet some Petrushka dolls (Rachel calls them "tzedakah dolls," which I think is incredibly cute), and then...well, you'll just have to visit us to see her perform the play.

Here is how she opened the narration:

"Once upon a time in a faraway land, in a place called Africa -- where Mommy has traveled and my Daddy wants to -- a camel traveled, looking for some fun. And he saw his friend zebra..."

I wouldn't be surprised if she decides to do performance art for a living. She's quite good at it.

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