Thursday, August 28, 2014

A readin' machine

Rachel checked out a great book called "The Thickety," about a girl and the power of magic. How did she decide to do so? Why, she read a review of it in KidsPost, the kids' page in The Post. (SO proud of her for reading a book review! Well, Drew used to write them for The Seattle Times, so I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised...)

Anyway, it's a 496-page book aimed at 8- to 12-year olds and she is DEVOURING it. She's almost at page 100. When I drove her to camp yesterday, she was completely silent in the back. "What are you reading?" I asked. "Thickety," she said.

A counselor at camp was so impressed, and probably disbelieving, that he pointed to random words in the book to see if Rachel new how to pronounce them. "She got every one right!" he told Drew when he picked her up that night.

I can't wait for winter evenings in front of the fire, when we all curl up with our books together...

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