Thursday, February 20, 2014

Science Fair

One of the thousands of reasons we are so glad we moved here: Arlington schools! Tonight was the science fair at McKinley. It was mostly for older kids (only one kindergartener in the whole school submitted an entry) but Rachel insisted on going. I thought it would consist of a bunch of displays of science projects in the cafeteria/auditorium, but it was more. Much more. Activities in multiple classrooms; cool giveaways like pencils that change color when you hold them; and live animals! (from a local nature center). Rachel got to hold a corn snake (I got a picture of this, will post it on Facebook soon) and pet a turtle (as did I, since, hey, I'm the mom and I get to do stuff like that) and rode a stationary bike to show how much energy it took to power things like a fan, a TV and a hair dryer. I couldn't get over how well this was done, as opposed to International Night, which was OK but the activities were kind of pointless.

Also, a camp update: Thanks to Drew's masterful grid and getting up at the crack of dawn the other day to register her online, Rachel is signed up for a million summer camps: Classic outdoor camp; a Daisy Scout sleep-away camp; science camp; art camp; sports camp. The only one we couldn't get her into was pony camp, but we may be able to get on the wait list for that one. We are leaving ourselves a week of family vacation, but otherwise, our little girl will be quite busy!

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