Monday, February 3, 2014


Now I know why dinnertime is so precious for parents -- sometimes, if the mood is right, you get to have great discussions with your kids. Tonight's was started by Rachel, who informed us that she is going to be a featured interview in the school newspaper. Two older girls are going to interview her, probably because she said one of her wishes was to go back in time.

What time would you like to go back to? we asked.

She paused for a minute, then said, 1820. "What was going on back then?" she said. Drew told her about the exploration of the West, that the railroads were being built, and that was years before Ma and Pa left the Little House in the Big Woods in the Little House on the Prairie series.

"How about the Seventies?" Rachel asked.

"The 1970s?" Drew replied. "No, you don't. The clothes were boring and the music was awful." Thus commenced a long discussion about leisure suits, pet rocks, Pong, typewriters, record albums (surprisingly, Rachel knows what record albums are) and wide collars. She thought most of it sounded hilarious.

We just felt old.

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