Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Incredibly self-aware kid

A sampling of dinner table topics tonight:

"Guess what I'm imagining, Mommy," Rachel asked. "When I'm 5 and Daddy and my teachers discussing what kindergarten I should go to. And remember, Mommy, I'm 5. Not 4, but 5. And it's the day before my birthday and I'm just about to turn 6."


We were talking about Santa Claus and Christianity after Rachel remarked out of the blue that "Santa has a small belly." When she expressed sorrow that we don't have a Christmas tree I reminded her that just because we're not Christian doesn't mean we don't have fun. "And just because we're not Christian doesn't mean that we don't get presents," she added, and that reassured me.

"When I grow up, I'm still going to be Jewish," she said. "Because I don't want to decorate the Christmas tree all by myself. But I'm still gonna rake leaves!"

Um, ok.


"Am I a greedy kid, Mom?" she asked unexpectedly.
"Do YOU think you're a greedy kid?" I asked. (Who says the Socratic method is limited to law schools?)
"No," she said.
"How would you describe a greedy kid?" I asked.
"I want, I want!" Rachel replied in a whiny voice. "More, more!"
"No, Rachel, you are NOT a greedy kid," I said. "Are any of your friends greedy?"
"No," she said. "NONE of them are greedy."

Then she started talking about a little friend of hers at preschool named Devin.

"When Devin doesn't get her way, she throws a fit," Rachel said. "She sits down, cries, and kicks her legs. And when people stop by and ask what's wrong, she doesn't say anything but she kicks the legs of people who are trying to help her. "


I was writing down what she said when all of a sudden Rachel asked me, "Why do you have that determined look on your face?"

I laughed out loud and said, "I'm concentrating!"

"Oh," she said.

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