Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Despite the fact that our beloved wife and mother was thousands of miles, an ocean and a hemisphere away, Rachel and I had a lovely Thanksgiving. We got to Skype with Grandma and Grandpa (who both are under the weather and so spent the day by themselves) Pop-Pop and Meemaw in North Carolina, and Lisa's sister, her husband and their daughter (i.e. Rachel's cousin) Valerie. Valerie is just 5 1/2 months younger than Rachel, and the two girls spent much of the call admiring each other's feet, shoes and stockings. Hey kids, whatever rings your bell...

In between Skypes Rachel and I made chocolate-chip cookies to bring over to our friends' house where we'd be spending Thanksgiving (Jim and Linda, whose daughter Devin is in the same preschool class as Rachel), and after we rang off with Valerie & Co. we headed over there. The two girls had a fabulous time -- playing dress-up, watching Barbie movies on a laptop, pummelling me -- and Rachel was a model guest, very polite to Jim and Linda when she needed or wanted something and keeping the shrieking down to a minimum. By the end of the evening the girls were begging us to let Rachel stay the night, and if we (Jim, Linda and I) had been at all prepared for a sleepover I'd have let her do it. I think she's mature enough to spend the night under a strange roof. (There was some weeping and fussing from both girls when we told them maybe some other night but not this one, but Rachel got over it pretty quickly once we left for home.)

Oh, and the cookies were a hit, too.

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