Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sweet girl

This morning Rachel was sleepy and uncommunicative (except with Drew, who gets her up and going most mornings and who she usually communicates best with). Then as I was all dressed, in skirt and heels, and ready to leave, she surprised me:

"Mah-meee!" she said, wrapping her arms around my legs and lifting her feet up off the ground. "All I want is YOU!"

"Oh, sweetie!" I said, touched.

"I love it when you work from home!" she said.

"Why?" I answered.

"Because I love you SO MUCH!" she said. Then she added, quite seriously: "And I love you both the same amount."

Which is good because occasionally I worry that she is more bonded to Drew than to me. Guess I can throw those fears out the window.

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