Monday, September 3, 2012

Last day of summer

Well, not really, but it always feels that way around Labor Day -- even thought September is truly the best month in the Pacific Northwest and in fact it's supposed to get up into the mid-80s by Wednesday, yay! -- it's a time for regretting everything I didn't manage to cram in this summer, for looking ahead to fall and Rosh Hashana, which means renewal and getting rid of things I don't really need.

That has been the theme of our weekend. We had a great time at Oak Park and State Fair but, really, I will always remember the summer of 2012 as the Summer We Got Ourselves Together and rid ourselves of two decades of excess (well, we're not quite done, but I've given us both until the end of the year to throw out ALL our old files, get rid of books we won't read, clothes we won't wear, check our finances to make sure we're doing everything we should; etc). This weekend was one small step toward that goal.

So, as of this moment, we have three bookcases in new places (one upstairs bolted to the wall; the two in Rachel's room now in the living room); Rachel's play kitchen is now in her bedroom (until she outgrows it and is ready for a big-girl desk); we've moved the videos upstairs and re-hung some pictures; eliminated the clutter from the dining room table; straightened out my checkbook and junk mail pile (me); weeded the back and front lawns; sold a bunch of old books to Powell's, taken old clothes to Goodwill. It almost feels as if we're moving, we've gotten so much done around here. Drew has said more than once that it feels great to get rid of clutter and to have a clean house (I polished the silver cups and other things we have, swept and vacuumed the living room and rearranged some knickknacks on the coffee table) and I agree. I really feel more at peace, like I'm heading into a new year free of baggage (no doubt appropriate for Rosh Hashana).

One of the nice things that came out of all the work I did was two bags -- TWO BAGS! -- of Gravenstein apples from the apple tree our neighbors gave us years ago and I had despaired of them ever bearing fruit. As soon as I started harvesting them Rachel immediately wanted to try one. She loved it and even asked for another! The apples will play a starring role in our apples and honey ceremony in a few weeks, and I've already found a recipe for apple cake. Drew has suggested I try making cinnamon apple muffins, and maybe I'll try a tart, too....Mom, Dad, Daniella, Richard, Lil, etc..if I lived closer I'd be bringing all these treats to YOU!

Tonight Rachel suggested we eat dinner outside. I pooh-poohed the idea, saying that it was too dark, the weather would be too cool, etc...but Drew overrode me when he got home from the grocery store and said, sure, we should eat outside. And...Rachel was right. it was a beautiful night, my lamb burger was fantastic, we had enough light and it was great to just sit and relax. We're thinking of getting a real outdoor table and chairs for next summer because I, for one, would LOVE to eat as many of our meals outside as possible. Provided the yellow jackets don't find us!


I got some Hello Kitty sunglasses the other day and thanked Rachel for suggesting I buy them, saying I wasn't going to get them because I thought I was too old. But I'm glad I did.

Her response: "You should listen to me more often, Mommy."

Um. Yes.


Tonight I offered to clear the stuff from outside, but Drew insisted on doing it himself. When I objected, Rachel said, "Let Daddy do it! He's taller! And he's 46!"

Not for long, kiddo...Thursday is Daddy's birthday!

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