Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Happy Birthday, Part 2

Yes, I know all of you are waiting for Part 1. Promise it will come later this week, when I have the time to really sit down and digest all the wonerfulness that we have been a part of the last week or so.

Tonight was Rachel's "real" birthday. Can it be that I really have a delightful 4-year-old in my house? How did I get to be so lucky? Rachel walked into the bathroom this morning as I was blow-drying my hair. I was really glad to see her because I had to leave early for a dentist's appointment and I really didn't want to go before I got to sing "Happy Birthday." Which I did. Twice. It was awesome. Rachel gave me a big hug on the leg.

After I got home from work (Drew had already started the baked chicken and shells), I had time to talk to Drew -- alone -- since Richard had graciously taken Rachel to the playground down the street. (This is something both of us remarked upon, that this is what it would feel like to have relatives in town who'd take Rachel off somewhere, if only for a little while, so we could get things done around the house. And maybe go on a date or two).

Richard said Rachel exhausted him with everything she's able to do on the playground -- including scaling the kiddie climbing wall. "I'm climbing K2!" she exclaimed. "And I'm climbing it without even DYING! Are you SO PROUD of me?"

Yes, Rachel, we're always proud of you -- even if you never really climb K2. In fact, we would prefer that you didn't.

We spent much of the meal reminding Rachel what she used to be scared of: Grass. (As a toddler, she refused to walk on it). Mommy's hair dryer. The vacuum cleaner. The mixer. The Dustbuster. Dogs. Not much else -- this is the kid who went down the kiddie slide headfirst when she was 18 months old (scaring poor Grandma to death the one time she witnessed it).

"What things do you want to do when you grow up that you can't do as a kid?" Richard asked her. She came up with this list:
--reach the microwave
--drink tea
--drink wine
--plant stuff
--pick apples all by myself
--play a tuba
--wear bras
--have a permanent tattoo ("No!" I yelled. "Not until you're 18 and out of my house!")

It was quite a day in school, too -- the teachers were very excited to see the chocolate chip cake I baked (Teacher Erin had been hinting for weeks that it would be a really, really good idea if I baked that for Rachel's school birthday celebration) and Rachel got to wear a gold crown. "Guess what?" Rachel said at dinner. "I got to choose the blackberries and sleep in the tent; everything extra special. And I didn't tell you THIS, Mommy -- we got Slurpees! And I got pink! And I ate my Slurpee ALL GONE!"

After dinner we headed out to Baskin Robbins for a special ice cream treat -- it was blazing hot outside so that definitely helped. We all walked around a bit, then returned home. Richard read a book, I cleaned up from dinner, Drew gave Rachel a bath and put her to bed, and now we're all getting ready to leave tomorrow: Richard back to North Carolina (boo), me to Bend for a work trip, Rachel back to school and Drew back to work. Only one more day remains for the Celebration of Rachel: Shabbat on the Plaza on Friday night. It's the summer outdoor service with a special blessing for all the July birthdays. Then we'll bring Rachel home and surprise her with Mommy and Daddy's big present.

Happy birthday, darling girl! You are a way better daughter than either of us deserve.

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