Saturday, April 21, 2012

Naptime accident

Rachel had an unexpected "accident" today while napping -- not only did she pee all over the bed (and I had just finished washing and folding all of her laundry) but she pooped in her pants. "Mommy!" she called from the bedroom while I was working on business school homework (Drew was out running errands before we left for a dinner party at my friend Deni's house). "I pooped in my pants!"

I came running. "Oh Rachel, Rachel, Rachel," I scolded her. "Why did you DO this?"

She started crying. "I had a bad dream," she sobbed.
"What was your dream?" I asked.
"I dreamed that there were a lot of alligators and a lady who was hurt and the alligators were discussing how to hurt her more," she said. "And I got so scared that I pooped."

I have no idea where THAT came from.

"Maybe we shouldn't be telling you scary stories," I suggested gently.

"Yeah," she agreed. "Maybe when I'm older."

I wiped her tears and cleaned her up. Hoping she has a peaceful night.

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