Friday, April 20, 2012

"How can I resist that face?"

That was my response when Rachel walked into the bathroom yesterday morning, smacked her hand gently against my leg and said very sweetly, "May you please make banana bread?"

"HOW can I resist that FACE?" I asked (her eyes looked like two perfect blue buttons).

Later, when I was with her in the kitchen I said, "I've got an idea. How about YOU make banana bread?"

"NOOO!" she said, horrified. Later she added, "you're the better maker!"

She offered to make "cupcakes," -- the little toy ones that she got for her third birthday. She leaves them everywhere -- on the kitchen table, next to the shower, on my bedside table. I think it's her way of telling me she loves me.


Drew asked Rachel to start washing up before bed last night and she said "NO," quite firmly. He didn't know if she was kidding or not.

"Don't you EVER talk to me like that," Drew said sternly. "When I ask you to do something, you need to to do it."

Rachel started crying.

"I'm worried you'll throw all of my books into the garbage!" she said.

"Sweetie, even if I were mad at you I'd never throw your books away," Drew said.

He was gratified that books mean so much to her but puzzled at her fears. "It's like she's reading 'Bleak House' under the covers at night, or something," he observed.


Rachel had a sad face earlier this week as Drew was getting dressed before going into the kitchen and getting together breakfast.

"What's the matter, sweetie?" he asked.

"I'm worried you're going to get all the food and there won't be any left for me," she said sadly.

After reassuring her there was plenty of food, Drew asked, "Rachel, why do you worry so much?"

"I worry about EVERYTHING!" she replied.

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