Thursday, March 1, 2012

Two big things that happened last weekend

..and I forgot to share them because we were having such fun with Grandpa and Grandma (when they were well enough to see us:)):

On Sunday, Rachel announced she wanted to take a shower with Mommy. Are you sure? we kept asking over and over. She was sure. So, I turned on the water, she got undressed, took my hand and I helped her into the tub. All was well until I turned on the water and she shrieked, "HOT! HOT!" and started crying. I turned down the heat some, and tried to turn it into an adventure by having her wash her own hair with shampoo. She joked how it got "on my BUTT!" and I had fun drying her off, but today when I suggested she shower again with me, she regretfully said no. "The water was too hot," she explained. Hopefully when she gets a little older we can try again.

On Monday, Rachel's new, big-girl dresser got delivered. She of course tried to help Drew and the delivery guy move it into place. She is so excited to have a real piece of furniture; she and Drew decided where her shirts, pants, socks and underwear would go and she can almost reach the top of the dresser already. Her room really is starting to look like a big-girl room. Can we really have gotten this far? Is she really growing up?

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